Monday 14 July 2014

Testimony of A Ghanaian Man Who Experienced Heavenly Protection When 10 Armed Bandits Attempted to Rob Him

“Emmanuel! My name is Mr. Isaac Dekayie from Ghana and I want to encourage people of God to know the protection we are under as children of the Most High! I was travelling from Ho (Volta Region) to Adenta (Greater Accra Region) using the Akuse Road. Upon getting to Afienya, I decided to go through Afienya to Dodowa en route to Adenta. It was about 8:30pm in the evening. Towards the Dodowa stretch, there is forestry surrounding the road which has many bends and turns. It was dark.
Divine Protection - Anointing Sticker Testimony“Suddenly, a man came out of the bush with a torch light ordering me to stop. There was no other vehicle in sight. Upon getting closer to him, I realised he was not a police officer; he also realised l was not slowing as he expected. Suddenly, he started shouting wildly, “I will kill you! I will kill you!” I heard him clearly because the windows at the front of my car were wound down. His shout did not frighten me and I drove speedily passed him towards a curve in the road. Just after bypassing him, I realised he was not alone! They were up to ten, all carrying torch lights and weapons. Suddenly, I heard a loud volley of gun shots towards my direction. Looking at the Anointing Sticker on my dashboard, I drove on, committing my life into God’s hands. The shooting continued until I had gone round the bend and was no longer in their sights.
“Moments after leaving their place, I looked at my windscreen only to discover several signs of gun shots. Miraculously, none of them penetrated into the car! I called upon the police who rushed to the scene. At the time they got there, the robbers had escaped into the bush leaving some used and unused cartridges. When the police checked my car, they counted up to 32 spots on the car where the bullets had hit. The officers who checked my car were astounded! It was as if my car was bullet-proof! The bullets did not even enter through the open windows at the front of my car. A look at the windscreen shows my Ghana flag as T.B. Joshua had instructed us to keep in our car and our rooms since it has become a contact point for God to use. I also had the Anointing Sticker with the words, ‘Let Love Lead’. I thank God for this deliverance and protection. I am forever grateful to God for saving my life. Thank You, Jesus!”



    Hello Brethren in the Lord,
    May the peace and unity of the holy spirit fall upon you and your entire family as you read this splendid message from the synagogue church of all nations (SCOAN).

    Remember that our Lord Jesus Christ is still saying something as He is the deliverer, the healer and the same yesterday today and forever. God has used prophet TB Joshua morning water to work miracles and i know yours will not be a different in Jesus name!!!!

    The God of prophet TB Joshua is a wonder working God. God have used the medium of the morning water to heal thousand of diseases, ranging from HIV AIDS, CANCER, BRAIN TURMOIL, TYPE 2 DIABETES, FINANCIAL BREAKTHROUGHS, FREEDOM FROM POVERTY, BUSINESS BREAKTHROUGH ETC. If you need the morning water, and you do not have the time or money to visit the synagogue church of all nations, you can get one by contacting our email.

    Send an E-mail directly to ( ) specifying what you need.



    Hello Brethren in the Lord,
    May the peace and unity of the holy spirit fall upon you and your entire family as you read this splendid message from the synagogue church of all nations (SCOAN).

    We have started the distribution of the New Morning Water to all our members of the church. If you need the New Morning Water. All you have to do is to contact us on the email and specify what you need, and the morning water will be sent to you.

    The God of prophet TB Joshua is a wonder working God. God have used the medium of the morning water to heal thousand of diseases, ranging from Hiv Aids, Cancer, Brain Turmoil, Type 2 diabetes, Financial breakthroughs, Freedom from Poverty, Business breakthrough etc... If you need the morning water, and you do not have the time or money to visit the synagogue church of all nations, you can get one by contacting the email of the church store:( )

    The morning water is totally free, we do not sell it. But please when you receive the items from the church do not sell them. Use them to pray and believe that Jesus will be glorified in your life. To place an order. Email us: ( )

    Visit our website to get more info:

    Thank you all. Remain blessed
