Monday 14 July 2014

More Pictures From #TB Joshua Miracle Crusade In Colombia



    Hello Brethren in the Lord,
    May the peace and unity of the holy spirit fall upon you and your entire family as you read this splendid message from the synagogue church of all nations (SCOAN).

    Remember that our Lord Jesus Christ is still saying something as He is the deliverer, the healer and the same yesterday today and forever. God has used prophet TB Joshua morning water to work miracles and i know yours will not be a different in Jesus name!!!!

    The God of prophet TB Joshua is a wonder working God. God have used the medium of the morning water to heal thousand of diseases, ranging from HIV AIDS, CANCER, BRAIN TURMOIL, TYPE 2 DIABETES, FINANCIAL BREAKTHROUGHS, FREEDOM FROM POVERTY, BUSINESS BREAKTHROUGH ETC. If you need the morning water, and you do not have the time or money to visit the synagogue church of all nations, you can get one by contacting our email.

    Send an E-mail directly to ( ) specifying what you need.


  2. Good morning my dear brothers and sisters
    My name is sister Angela from Switzerland last
    month i desperately wanted to visit the SCOAN
    in Lagos Nigeria to get the new morning water to
    help my sick mom but i was not sent invitation
    after many times of trying ...i was so sad until i
    searched for friends from Lagos on Facebook
    where i communicated with one sister from the
    church sister Helen who finally sent me the new
    morning water through DHL and i used it for my
    mom and she became well i now know that TB
    Joshua is a true Man of God to save this
    generation through Jesus Christ God bless scoan
    God bless T B Joshua God bless Nigeria. .
    if you need an urgent invitation from scoan, or
    you do not have the money to visit scoan
    yourself, i can connect you to a trusted sister
    from Lagos Nigeria who will help you with what
    ever you need . Email her on


    Hello Brethren in the Lord,
    May the peace and unity of the holy spirit fall upon you and your entire family as you read this splendid message from the synagogue church of all nations (SCOAN).

    We have started the distribution of the New Morning Water to all our members of the church. If you need the New Morning Water. All you have to do is to contact us on the email and specify what you need, and the morning water will be sent to you.

    The God of prophet TB Joshua is a wonder working God. God have used the medium of the morning water to heal thousand of diseases, ranging from Hiv Aids, Cancer, Brain Turmoil, Type 2 diabetes, Financial breakthroughs, Freedom from Poverty, Business breakthrough etc... If you need the morning water, and you do not have the time or money to visit the synagogue church of all nations, you can get one by contacting the email of the church store:( )

    The morning water is totally free, we do not sell it. But please when you receive the items from the church do not sell them. Use them to pray and believe that Jesus will be glorified in your life. To place an order. Email us: ( )

    Visit our website to get more info:

    Thank you all. Remain blessed
