Friday 11 July 2014


Omama Blessing used to have nightmares such as dancing with masquerades. It affected her education and her attitude. She rudely talked to people even her seniors and adults. If someone asked her a question or told her to do something, before they had finished speaking, she would already have answered something hurtful or snubbing. The attitude had the potential to destroy her future until she received her own Faith Bracelet which she started to use for counting her faith. In a dream that night, she saw the masquerade again only that this time it was looking away from her and complaining that where she was standing was too bright and that darkness had nothing to do with light. Such nightmares are now a thing of the past and her outlook on life has brightened accordingly since her self-deliverance. If she wants to speak, a voice cautions her heart to be calm and humble. She said that even her friends had noticed the change in her as one of them who had tried to provoke her to an outburst but instead of the sharp words they were used to, she answered by a gentle laugh and shrugged the issue off. What a transformation!

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