Monday 14 July 2014


More youths came forward to testify how they received self-deliverance through Faith Bracelets they received from the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua. Confessing how satan kept them under bondage of fleshly lusts, they now testify that they are now free. 

The first, Miriam Ezekiel, had the case of a spiritual husband who used to torment her in her dreams. Actually, he used to appear to her. After receiving the Faith Bracelet, she started to count her faith with it. That night, she had a dream. The spiritual husband appeared again but on this occasion, there was a mighty river between them. She was in a boat inscribed, ‘No More Torment!’ When the notorious spiritual husband saw this, he was scare and ran away. Immediately, the ring which was on Miriam’s finger fell off. Since then, the spiritual husband has not appeared to her; she is free.

Another youth, Agbo Israel, had the spirit of lust and was addicted to pornography and masturbating. As a result, nothing worked for him in his studies. This made him depressed. The more he tried to stop the habit, the more it increased. When he received the Faith Bracelet, he started to ask God to deliver him. He meditated repeatedly, counting with his hand and speaking with his heart. He received his self-deliverance and is now free, to God’s glory.

In her case, Deborah Sunday had the problem of heartburn. This forced her to be selective of the food she ate. Upon receiving her Faith Bracelet, she started to pray and asking God to heal and deliver her of her situation. Today, the heartburn is a thing of the past.
Another youth, Stephen Lenity, was also addicted to watching pornography. It all started one day while in the company of bad friends. He found them watching pornography and when he joined to watch, the evil spirit entered him. He became addicted to this bad habit and his thoughts were polluted and began to lust after girls. Following his reception of the Faith Bracelet, his life has changed. He testified that he is no longer a slave of fleshly thoughts.


  1. New Morning water is Available at SC0AN Nigeria. to receive it send message to (Emmanueltv466(@) ) SC0AN email


    Hello Brethren in the Lord,
    May the peace and unity of the holy spirit fall upon you and your entire family as you read this splendid message from the synagogue church of all nations (SCOAN).

    Remember that our Lord Jesus Christ is still saying something as He is the deliverer, the healer and the same yesterday today and forever. God has used prophet TB Joshua morning water to work miracles and i know yours will not be a different in Jesus name!!!!

    The God of prophet TB Joshua is a wonder working God. God have used the medium of the morning water to heal thousand of diseases, ranging from HIV AIDS, CANCER, BRAIN TURMOIL, TYPE 2 DIABETES, FINANCIAL BREAKTHROUGHS, FREEDOM FROM POVERTY, BUSINESS BREAKTHROUGH ETC. If you need the morning water, and you do not have the time or money to visit the synagogue church of all nations, you can get one by contacting our email.

    Send an E-mail directly to ( ) specifying what you need.

