Monday 14 July 2014


Prophet T.B. Joshua
Prophet T.B. Joshua
Every Sunday service in The SCOAN is loaded with the power, the presence and the promises of God coming to a beautiful crescendo of fulfilment. The presence of the Holy Spirit was palpable in the captivating service as congregants really advanced more in their understanding of the kingdom of God – a superb spiritual expository and synthesis from which individuals were able to rediscover themselves in terms of their closeness to Heaven in their thoughts, deeds and actions as depicted in the state of their hearts!
Opening further our spiritual faculty, the man of God decried man’s tendency to neglect his reliance on God and become more of self, saying this was why man cannot control himself; he has become unfaithful and is unkind towards one another. He noted that man today takes things for granted to the extent that he does not see the need for God until tragedy hits.
The man of God also taught on the need to rely on the power of the Holy Spirit. Quoting from scriptures in 2 Peter 1:21, Colossians 1:9 among others, he enthused that holy men of God spoke the word and wrote the Bible as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit and if we are to read the Bible, we should be carried along by the Holy Spirit in like manner. He warned: “If we are not carried along by the Holy Spirit, in what we read, teach or preach, all our effort would be idle, meaningless, and oftentimes destructive. Prayer and Bible reading must go together. If you miss one, you miss all.”
Earlier, Wise Man Daniel delivered an enlightening message titled: Depend on God for Everything – a premonition to Christians that they need God. Picking his proof text from the Book of Acts 16:16-18, he said Satan can only be stopped in the spirit, by the power in the blood of Jesus Christ.
“Therefore, in Christ Jesus, we have a firm and well grounded expectation of future felicity. Apostle Paul became victorious in his confrontation with the evil spirit because he depended upon Jesus Christ alone for his strength and victory in his battle against the evil spirit. Apostle Paul knew that, all authority in Heaven and on earth has been invested in that name, Jesus Christ,” he said.
Wiseman Daniel
Wiseman Daniel

Scores of people registered to glorify God through testimonies of what He has done in their lives. Below, are just a selected few:
The story of Chief Okon from Yola, Northern Nigeria was one of a life condemned to persistent frustrations. Despite being a chartered accountant, his career growth did not reflect the caliber of his qualifications. He watched his peers and those he had personally trained ascend the ladder of promotions to levels of Commissioners while he stood grounded in the same position of rejection and watch with bitterness. To feed his family and to send children to school was a back-snapping strain he had to endure. It was while chained to the bondage of such humiliating limitations that in 2013, he agreed with his wife to seek the face of God.
Chief Okon & Wife
Chief Okon & Wife
They came to The SCOAN where they received the Anointing Water. Back home, they prayed in the name of Jesus Christ with faith that God would locate and reposition them. He ministered the Anointing Water and three days later, he received a call that was to change his story. A man he did not even know but working for the government in the capital Abuja, asked him to file his CV to his office. He was surprised; it was the first time that someone had asked for his resume without him expressing interest. He was told government was looking for a man to do a job involving the verification of solid minerals for southern states. A few days later, the same man called and told him that his name had been confirmed. Glory be to God as that marked the end of his limitations; and he went on to carry out the project satisfactorily. Today, they live a happy life of progress, drive nice cars and are building houses which they could not afford in their former financial state. They advised people to believe and trust in God, saying, “Ask and you shall receive.”
With a vibrant entry that left the sound of praise ringing in the rafters, Mrs Uyok Edofia shouted aloud for joy to the Lord for what He had done for her. She was attacked by armed robbers in her residence from where she rushed to the hospital for treatment on the various machete cuts on her body by the armed bandits. It was from one of the injections given to her in the hospital that an abscess in her buttocks developed which degenerated into untreatable gangrene that almost consumed her entire right buttock.
Mrs. Uyok Edofia
Mrs. Uyok Edofia
She was taken from one hospital to another in search of specialists who could save her life but there was no one who could help her. The specialists said that if they removed some of the affected cells, the wound would heal by itself but as the doctors removed the bad tissues, the gaping hole in her flesh only sank deeper. Sooner, the buttocks began to rot. Hospitals started to reject her, saying that the wound was more advanced than they could handle. Anywhere she went, the pungent air clung to her – a constant reminder of the intensely painful injury she carried. She always had to lie down. For four months, she could neither sit nor stand and her brother summoned from school had to be with her all the time, feeding and bathing her every day in the hospital bed. As if her words had not painted a vivid enough picture, the photos taken while in bed displayed on the board were like something taken from a horror film – such was the degree of damage the abscess had caused. That was her condition until she came in contact with the Anointing Water of The SCOAN given to her by a colleague which she began to apply to the horribly shattered buttock! Her brother also began to play The SCOAN’s CDs and videos for her to further buoy up her faith just as her husband also went to install Emmanuel TV at home. She was unable to stand or sit throughout the time she had the abscess in her right buttock and was permanently lying on one side. Left with no option but still hoping for a miracle, she began to pray along with Prophet T.B. Joshua on the screen and ministering the Anointing Water day and night. Suddenly the power of God came upon her as the side which had become dead began to receive new life. Flesh emerged and the terrible wound in her buttocks began to close and cover up day by day as they continued to minister the Anointing Water over the affected area. It was such a rapid transformation within a month that the doctors who had written her off were dazed by the miracle. Then, a picture showing the tiny mark which was all that remained of the once rotting abscess in her backside completed the testimony of God’s awesome restorative power. She concluded that men should trust in Jesus Christ’s authority and not man’s majority.
Chief Ndubuisi Christopher, a native of Anambra State but living in Nigeria’s capital, Abuja, found life a constant struggle. Being involved in the computer and construction industry for over 10 years, he would wrestle to receive the payment of the contracts and projects he completed.
Chief Ndubuisi Christopher
Chief Ndubuisi Christopher
Some small payments would take over a year to be made and many big projects were still outstanding until he came to The SCOAN and received the Anointing Water. As he took it home and began to minister it to himself and his environment, his payments that were owed to him automatically started coming in including some even from people he had lost all hope that they would ever answer him. In a year, he would get only between one and three contracts but just three weeks after he received the Anointing Water, he had already received four contracts. As he stood before the congregation fondly holding a large file of papers, he proclaimed that since receiving the Anointing Water, he now had so many projects that he could not even finish them all in a year! He counted them one by one – 11 contracts in all from the ministry of aviation and seven other large scale jobs from the Millennium Development Goals Initiative all of which he said were not the kind of contracts he had been used to doing rather they were all extraordinary projects. His face told the story; his destiny and his testimony had been restored.
While the worldwide audience was still savouring the uncommon outpouring of blessings upon Chief Ndubuisi’s life, he further shocked the listeners as he testified that he had also been in the area of Abuja that had recently been bombed, stating that his office was even in the same plaza where the attack took place, and he had passed the exact area of the attack about three minutes before the carnage broke out. That week, the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua had appealed to people to fast and pray over an attack in the city. He and his family heeded the instruction in righteousness and miraculously he had a narrow escape from the calamity that eventually befell the plaza! That is how he escaped what would have been his death. He showed pictures of the bomb blast scene with smoke rising from the demolished vehicles left in its wake. He summed his testimony up with a stirring word of advice that we should learn to trust in God in all situations and acknowledged that if all this had happened to him in just the space of a few months of receiving the Anointing Water, the best was definitely yet to come.
Youth from The SCOAN continued with their wonderful testimonies, narrating how God had intervened in their affairs and how they had received self-healing and self-deliverance through the Faith Bracelet given to them by Prophet T.B. Joshua. The first to recount his breakthrough was Benjamin Nosa. Before receiving his bracelet, he was addicted to Facebook and pornography. These bad habits had led him to meeting women online and engaging in ‘phone sex’ with people whom he had never even met. These fleshly addictions ruined his spiritual life and his relationship with God until he started praying with the Faith Bracelet. He started to meditate with it and ask God to flush out all negative thoughts and urges that polluted his mind. Today, he testified of his freedom, Jesus Christ having broken sin’s power in his life.YOUTH
Another youth, Tabitha Chukwuka, had a violent spirit of anger. Although from a Christian family where her mother insisted on reading the Bible before going to bed, she would not find the time to read hers. At school, she would fight with people and at one point; the school principal had to write her parents over her unbecoming and violent behavior. In her dreams she would wash her clothes but they would disappear. She did not know what was happening to her life. Having received the Faith Bracelet, she started to pray for the spirit of anger to depart of her. The same day, she had the same dream. This time around, she caught the culprit who was stealing her clothes, grabbed her and sank her finger deep around her chest, trying to rip her apart. She was so angry, until Prophet T.B. Joshua appeared on the scene and spoke calmness which seemed to wash over her being like cool water. Without a word, she had received her deliverance in that instant and was set free. Now, she has received calmness in place of the storm which once ruled her life.
Abidemi Bello had an inexplicable hatred for her mother and often wished her to die. She would not associate, spend time or even speak with her mother for days at a time. It tormented her so much because on her own, she would begin to think about her mother lovingly until she set eyes on her and the hatred would be rekindled. That was until she received the Faith Bracelet and began praying for the Holy Spirit to take more of her and give her more of Him. Since then, her hatred for her mother has become history. She has received self-deliverance and her life with that of her family, has been transformed. She now joins her mother to cook at home and in domestic chores she used to avoid for dread of contact with her. She advised youths all over the world that with Jesus Christ, all things are possible.
Deborah Ikuemonisan had been bedwetting from birth. In her dreams, she would see herself enter the restroom to ease herself only to suddenly wake up to find that what she had dreamed to be the lavatory, was her own bed. This prevented her from visiting friends and sleeping over. She could not also invite friends to her place, lest they discover that she was bedwetting. Since she received the Faith Bracelet and began to count her faith, the problem of bedwetting has become a thing of the past.
All the youths who came forward testified of how their lives had transformed the instant they started using the Faith Bracelet and advised fellow youths to watch out how they use modern social media and to take the Word of God as standard for their lives.
For many years, Mr and Mrs Ajah, residents of South Africa had been praying to God to give them a testimony as they had seen others give on Emmanuel TV. Their problems started the moment they got married.
Mr & Mrs Ajah
Mr & Mrs Ajah
They did not have a stable income and could not support their home of four children successfully. Inspired by people they had seen testify on Emmanuel TV, they came to The SCOAN this year where one of the wise men prayed for them. They also received the Anointing Water and left for home. They were a couple living on their last penny. Even on landing back home at the airport, they had no money for a taxi. One day, they heard of a property which had been put up for sale. Although they did not have money, they decided to go and investigate. A voice spoke to the wife to take up the property and use it for charity. When the agent heard what they intended to do with the building, he handed over the keys without them paying anything and offered them a generous time frame within which to pay. Now they run a ministry of charity, reaching out to many souls and God has blessed them abundantly. They could not feed themselves, now they are able to feed others. They have a pre-school, agricultural land and a school bus – all in a space of four months. They have become employers, creating jobs wherever they go. When God sets you free, you are free indeed!
The service closed with the ministration of the New Anointing Water 

Testimony of A Ghanaian Man Who Experienced Heavenly Protection When 10 Armed Bandits Attempted to Rob Him

“Emmanuel! My name is Mr. Isaac Dekayie from Ghana and I want to encourage people of God to know the protection we are under as children of the Most High! I was travelling from Ho (Volta Region) to Adenta (Greater Accra Region) using the Akuse Road. Upon getting to Afienya, I decided to go through Afienya to Dodowa en route to Adenta. It was about 8:30pm in the evening. Towards the Dodowa stretch, there is forestry surrounding the road which has many bends and turns. It was dark.
Divine Protection - Anointing Sticker Testimony“Suddenly, a man came out of the bush with a torch light ordering me to stop. There was no other vehicle in sight. Upon getting closer to him, I realised he was not a police officer; he also realised l was not slowing as he expected. Suddenly, he started shouting wildly, “I will kill you! I will kill you!” I heard him clearly because the windows at the front of my car were wound down. His shout did not frighten me and I drove speedily passed him towards a curve in the road. Just after bypassing him, I realised he was not alone! They were up to ten, all carrying torch lights and weapons. Suddenly, I heard a loud volley of gun shots towards my direction. Looking at the Anointing Sticker on my dashboard, I drove on, committing my life into God’s hands. The shooting continued until I had gone round the bend and was no longer in their sights.
“Moments after leaving their place, I looked at my windscreen only to discover several signs of gun shots. Miraculously, none of them penetrated into the car! I called upon the police who rushed to the scene. At the time they got there, the robbers had escaped into the bush leaving some used and unused cartridges. When the police checked my car, they counted up to 32 spots on the car where the bullets had hit. The officers who checked my car were astounded! It was as if my car was bullet-proof! The bullets did not even enter through the open windows at the front of my car. A look at the windscreen shows my Ghana flag as T.B. Joshua had instructed us to keep in our car and our rooms since it has become a contact point for God to use. I also had the Anointing Sticker with the words, ‘Let Love Lead’. I thank God for this deliverance and protection. I am forever grateful to God for saving my life. Thank You, Jesus!”


Mr and Mrs Friday Yorka from USA sent in this wonderful testimony concerning how God used the Anointing Water to bring fruitfulness to their marriage after 10 years of barrenness!
“Emmanuel! We write to thank God for the great thing He has done in our lives. It has been a difficult journey for our family and friends as we have been going through the problem of infertility for over 10 years. Doctors could not help us, despite all their best efforts. We had come to the point where we had basically given up hope of having children together. However, some time last year, my stepsister visited The Synagogue Church Of All Nations (SCOAN) in Lagos, Nigeria. When she returned, we visited her and she gave us one bottle of the Anointing Water. We prayed with it, ministered it together and then met as husband and wife.
“To the glory of God, our prayer of over ten years was answered that very month! On the 11th April 2014, my wife delivered a bouncing baby boy! We want to use this opportunity to thank God and the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, for giving himself to be used by God.-Truly, distance is not a barrier and when God says yes to any situation, no one can say no! The name of our son is Barididum Emmanuel Samuel and we promise to train him in the way of the Lord.”
As Prophet T.B. Joshua says, “There are no natural words to describe it except to say, ‘Thank You, Jesus!’ “


Wycliffe Waka Akaka from Nairobi, Kenya sent in this wonderful testimony of how God touched his wife and miraculously ended a spell of miscarriages to bring fruitfulness into their marriage. Be blessed as you read!
“Emmanuel! My name is Wycliffe Waka Akaka from Nairobi, Kenya. I am 35 years old. I married my dear wife in a very colourful chur
ch wedding on 12th June 2010. After the wedding, my wife conceived and we were elated that after 9 months we would be able to hold our first born child with joy in our hearts. However, this joy was curtailed by a miscarriage after 4 months. My wife conceived after a few months again and before the scar of the previous experience could heal, she again had another painful miscarriage exactly after 4 months.
“I took her to Umoja Nursing Home hospital and after running several tests and performing an ultrasound scan, Dr. Chewe, a renowned gynaecologist at Mater Hospital, diagnosed her with multiple uterine fibroids. He later referred us to a radiologist specialist Dr. Nguku Sophia W of Unique Imaging Services to perform further tests. The report from the radiologist indicated the presence of multiple fibroids causing the left ovary not to be visualized. When we took the report to Dr. Chewe, he recommended an urgent operation.
“I could not afford the Ksh. 60,000.00 (Around 750 dollars) operation charge fee he was requesting. Therefore, we sought spiritual help from a total of six churches in Nairobi but there was no sign of any success forthcoming. The more we devoted ourselves to prayers, the more the problem became bigger. At this stage, my wife was bleeding uncontrollably. Later, a friend advised us to try herbal medicine which did not bear any fruit. We completely lost hope and depression started to increase its grip on us.
“In November 2012, the problem grew worse, forcing us to seek monetary assistance from friends and relatives so that my wife could be operated on at St. Mary’s Mission Hospital in Nairobi. Their charges seemed affordable – around Ksh. 30,000.00 (375 dollars). After raising the required amount my wife underwent the operation and was discharged on 21st November 2012. However, the doctors warned that she would likely be unable to conceive again because of the damage the fibroids had caused to her womb.
“One day I visited a church friend who had installed a satellite dish. While flipping through the available channels, we came across Emmanuel TV. The remarkable teachings, powerful deliverances, healing and touching testimonies instantly caught my attention. For the 3 hours I was in my friend’s house I heard sermon after sermon and saw miracle after miracle that strengthened my desire for God. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I could see people leave wheelchairs, cancer and demonic spirits submitting to the power of God – it was all amazing! What I read in the Bible, I could see it live. I felt a peace that I had never felt in my heart.
“From that day I was hooked to Emmanuel TV. Because I could not afford installing the satellite dish, I resorted to watching Emmanuel TV on the internet whenever I got some cash. I also downloaded Emmanuel TV clips from YouTube to burn onto DVDs to watch on my DVD player. I did not even mind that the videos were pixelated! We prayed along with man of God Prophet T.B Joshua every day as he prayed for viewers. All visitors that came to our house were also touched by the Emmanuel TV DVDs. They requested for the DVDs and I started duplicating those I had downloaded and giving them freely all over. They were all happy and amazed at the teaching, deliverance and healing.
“In March 2013 God had mercy on us. Through consistently watching downloaded Emmanuel TV prayers and praying along with the man of God Prophet T.B Joshua, to our amazement my wife missed her periods. After testing, it was confirmed that she was indeed pregnant. In the month of June our joy started to dim when my wife noticed some blood clots on her cloth after visiting the toilet.
“After two days, I bumped into a friend who informed me that the Emmanuel TV team were coming to Kenya to screen those who wished to visit The SCOAN. I didn’t have money for the trip but thank God, my friend who gave me the news made it to The SCOAN and brought us some DVDs, Anointing Water and an Anointing Sticker. My wife was on the verge of having another miscarriage. Thank God, we got the Anointing Water just in time! We read the Anointing Water booklet and by faith, I placed the Anointing Sticker on my wife’s stomach. We prayed together and ministered the Anointing Water in Jesus’ name.
“To our utter amazement, shortly afterwards the bleeding completely stopped! We prayed along with Prophet T.B. Joshua until the pregnancy progressed to a full 9 months. I testify that as the man of God Prophet T.B Joshua usually says, “Distance is not a barrier”. My wife finally gave birth to a bouncing boy called Micah Obadiah Joshua weighing 3.6 Kg at St. Mary’s Mission Hospital on 17th December 2013. According to the doctor, by the time she gave birth, there were again 20 other multiple uterine fibroids which were subsequently removed. It was amazing that this pregnancy was not terminated by uterine fibroids because of the Anointing Water!
“We are now proud parents of a 4 month old bouncing baby boy, born with absolutely no medical complication. As the man of God Prophet T.B Joshua usually says, “When our miracle is delayed, we should expect the mother of miracles”. Indeed, I attest that it is true! I really desire to come to SCOAN to testify to the whole world that Jesus Christ of Nazareth is bigger than all our problems. What seemed impossible to us was possible to God.”
“I thank Almighty God and our Saviour Jesus Christ forever for the life of Prophet T.B Joshua, the Wise Men and The SCOAN/ Emmanuel TV workers. I testify that God, through Emmanuel TV, is truly changing lives, changing nations and changing the world. Emmanuel!”


More youths came forward to testify how they received self-deliverance through Faith Bracelets they received from the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua. Confessing how satan kept them under bondage of fleshly lusts, they now testify that they are now free. 

The first, Miriam Ezekiel, had the case of a spiritual husband who used to torment her in her dreams. Actually, he used to appear to her. After receiving the Faith Bracelet, she started to count her faith with it. That night, she had a dream. The spiritual husband appeared again but on this occasion, there was a mighty river between them. She was in a boat inscribed, ‘No More Torment!’ When the notorious spiritual husband saw this, he was scare and ran away. Immediately, the ring which was on Miriam’s finger fell off. Since then, the spiritual husband has not appeared to her; she is free.

Another youth, Agbo Israel, had the spirit of lust and was addicted to pornography and masturbating. As a result, nothing worked for him in his studies. This made him depressed. The more he tried to stop the habit, the more it increased. When he received the Faith Bracelet, he started to ask God to deliver him. He meditated repeatedly, counting with his hand and speaking with his heart. He received his self-deliverance and is now free, to God’s glory.

In her case, Deborah Sunday had the problem of heartburn. This forced her to be selective of the food she ate. Upon receiving her Faith Bracelet, she started to pray and asking God to heal and deliver her of her situation. Today, the heartburn is a thing of the past.
Another youth, Stephen Lenity, was also addicted to watching pornography. It all started one day while in the company of bad friends. He found them watching pornography and when he joined to watch, the evil spirit entered him. He became addicted to this bad habit and his thoughts were polluted and began to lust after girls. Following his reception of the Faith Bracelet, his life has changed. He testified that he is no longer a slave of fleshly thoughts.

"1000% CORRECT!!!" - T.B. Joshua Personal Prophecy

Watch and see how this accurate prophecy from T.B. Joshua shed light on this man's situation, in the name of Jesus Christ.

More Pictures From #TB Joshua Miracle Crusade In Colombia

Receive Your Healing Any Were You Are In The World

Receive your Healing Now In Jesus Name

Pastors Conference with #TB Joshua Enjoy the clip

Sunday 13 July 2014

Prophect TB Joshua Our Position in Christ Jesus

The crown of believers as clearly stated in 2 Timothy 4:8, is a crown of righteousness that is purchased by the righteousness in Christ Jesus. Believers have it, not in possession and yet it is sure. Believers have it, not at present and yet it is sure. Yes! It is sure because it is laid up for them. Therefore, believers in the midst of poverty, pain and sickness may rejoice because this is a message of hope.

Are you suffering? Are you in pain? Or maybe you are asking yourself the following questions: "Am I really a child of God? Why am I facing these troubles?" Don't be discouraged. As a Christian, do not allow your situation to mislead you. The fact that you are a Christian does not mean that you will not face troubles or difficulties. You can be a true Christian and at the same time be facing troubles or difficulties.

PRAYER: Lord Jesus Christ, turn my mess into a message and my test into a testimony, in Jesus' name, Amen.

2 Corinthians 1:1-11
Ephesians 2:1-13
James 1:2-18

Prophect TB Joshua Ministry Touching Lifes

Prophect TB Joshua Live in Colombia in #Pictures of Crusade in Colombia


More youths came forward to testify how they received self-deliverance through Faith Bracelets they received from the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua. Confessing how satan kept them under bondage of fleshly lusts, they now testify that they are now free.

The first, Miriam Ezekiel, had the case of a spiritual husband who used to torment her in her dreams. Actually, he used to appear to her. After receiving the Faith Bracelet, she started to count her faith with it. That night, she had a dream. The spiritual husband appeared again but on this occasion, there was a mighty river between them. She was in a boat inscribed, ‘No More Torment!’ When the notorious spiritual husband saw this, he was scare and ran away. Immediately, the ring which was on Miriam’s finger fell off. Since then, the spiritual husband has not appeared to her; she is free.

Another youth, Agbo Israel, had the spirit of lust and was addicted to pornography and masturbating. As a result, nothing worked for him in his studies. This made him depressed. The more he tried to stop the habit, the more it increased. When he received the Faith Bracelet, he started to ask God to deliver him. He meditated repeatedly, counting with his hand and speaking with his heart. He received his self-deliverance and is now free, to God’s glory.

In her case, Deborah Sunday had the problem of heartburn. This forced her to be selective of the food she ate. Upon receiving her Faith Bracelet, she started to pray and asking God to heal and deliver her of her situation. Today, the heartburn is a thing of the past.
Another youth, Stephen Lenity, was also addicted to watching pornography. It all started one day while in the company of bad friends. He found them watching pornography and when he joined to watch, the evil spirit entered him. He became addicted to this bad habit and his thoughts were polluted and began to lust after girls. Following his reception of the Faith Bracelet, his life has changed. He testified that he is no longer a slave of fleshly thoughts.

Friday 11 July 2014

TB Joshua Transformation testimony:I LOVE YOU MUM


Abidemi Bello had an inexplicable hatred for her mother and often wished her to die. She would not associate, spend time or even speak with her mother for days at a time. It tormented her so much because on her own, she would begin to think about her mother lovingly until she set eyes on her and the hatred would be rekindled. That was until she received the Faith Bracelet and became addicted to it, praying for the Holy Spirit to take more of her and give her more of Him. Since then, her hatred for her mother is but history. She has received self-deliverance and her life and that of her family, has been transformed. She now joins her mother to cook at home and in domestic chores she used to avoid for dread of contact with her. She advised youths all over the world that with Jesus Christ, all things are possible.


Omama Blessing used to have nightmares such as dancing with masquerades. It affected her education and her attitude. She rudely talked to people even her seniors and adults. If someone asked her a question or told her to do something, before they had finished speaking, she would already have answered something hurtful or snubbing. The attitude had the potential to destroy her future until she received her own Faith Bracelet which she started to use for counting her faith. In a dream that night, she saw the masquerade again only that this time it was looking away from her and complaining that where she was standing was too bright and that darkness had nothing to do with light. Such nightmares are now a thing of the past and her outlook on life has brightened accordingly since her self-deliverance. If she wants to speak, a voice cautions her heart to be calm and humble. She said that even her friends had noticed the change in her as one of them who had tried to provoke her to an outburst but instead of the sharp words they were used to, she answered by a gentle laugh and shrugged the issue off. What a transformation!

Mass prayer by prophect TB Joshua on Emmanuel TV

Get ready for a time of Mass Prayer with the ministration of the New Anointing Water that will break every chain satan had been using to connect you to himself and release you into your divine destiny, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Watch live at

Emmanuel TV - A Christian Television Network
Watch Emmanuel TV live from The Synagogue Church Of All Nations (SCOAN) with Prophet TB Joshua

Prophet T.B. Joshua in Colombia for a Miracle Crusade

We are excited to announce that Prophet T.B. Joshua is in the nation of COLOMBIA for a ‘Miracle Crusade’ to be held on Friday July 11th and Saturday July 12th 2014!!! The event will take place at the historic Pascal Guerrero Olympic Stadium in Cali, Colombia
By the grace of God, the crusade will be broadcast LIVE and DIRECT on EMMANUEL TV, so that our viewers around the world can join by faith in this life-changing event. The service will start from 9:30pm (GMT+1)!
Please stand steadfastly in prayer with us for this historic crusade, believing that God will use the event to usher thousands of new souls into the Kingdom of God!
Don’t miss it!!! #TBJoshuaColombia